
Sustainability: A Key Ingredient for Modern Coffee Shops

Today, sustainability is a top priority for coffee shops, and it’s easy to see why. While discussions about sustainable and ethically sourced coffee have been ongoing, UK coffee enthusiasts continue to value environmental sustainability, traceability, and recyclable packaging and utensils.

When it comes to crafting the perfect espresso, most people focus on the beans. However, water should be given equal consideration. Given that 98% of a cup of coffee is water, understanding the science behind water is crucial for achieving the ideal flavor and extraction from those exquisite beans.

UK coffee shops already excel in sustainability and flavour, but did you know that smart water filtration can enhance these aspects even further?

Recipe for Success

Chlorine in the UK’s water supply has a potent aroma and taste, detectable even at low levels. Additionally, naturally occurring organic compounds in water can affect its flavor. For the best coffee, water should be free of these substances. So, what should you look for?

The ideal water hardness should be between 50 and 175 parts per million (ppm) of total dissolved solids (TDS). Generally, if the water is too hard, your coffee will taste dull and lifeless; if it’s too soft, the coffee will be overly bitter due to over-extraction. Balance is key.

Alkalinity, or “buffer capacity,” is crucial. Too high, and you miss out on delightful flavors; too low, and the coffee becomes too acidic. The TDS should be between 40 and 75 ppm, with a pH value between 6 and 8.

Total water hardness and alkalinity can be measured using BRITA drop test kits. For total hardness, the water should turn green with 3 to 10 drops. For alkalinity, it should turn yellow with 2 to 4 drops.

When you achieve this balanced range, you’re set to enjoy a truly great cup of coffee. But beyond taste, what issues arise from using unfiltered water to brew coffee?

Addressing Limescale

As a coffee professional, you know that heating hard, unfiltered water causes a chemical reaction leading to limescale buildup in your equipment. Left untreated, limescale not only spoils the taste of your coffee but can also damage your equipment and harm the environment.

Reducing Energy Consumption

Limescale increases energy consumption. Even a millimeter of scale can reduce your equipment’s energy efficiency, costing more to heat water. This unnecessary expense can be avoided, especially with rising energy bills. Plus, increased energy consumption means a higher carbon footprint, which our planet can’t afford. As the UK aims for net-zero emissions by 2050, coffee shops are keen to contribute, and reducing limescale through water filtration is a simple step.

Extending Appliance Lifespan

Limescale buildup can cause equipment breakdowns and shorten their lifespan, leading to higher costs and more waste. Manufacturing new appliances requires more raw materials and energy, adding to environmental strain. By filtering your water, you protect your investment in equipment and support sustainability. Look for filters that reduce water hardness to prevent scale formation and opt for filters with recyclable cartridges or suppliers that offer recycling services.

Embracing Smart Filtration

The latest model, the PURITY C iQ, simplifies sustainability. This innovative smart filtration system, designed with coffee professionals in mind, monitors water intake, checks hardness, and provides real-time alerts for filter changes. With this system, you can prevent limescale buildup, reduce energy usage, extend the lifespan of your equipment, and consistently serve the perfect cup of coffee every time.

For more information head over to https://www.coffeeomega.co.uk/product-category/filtration-and-plumbing/brita/




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